Black man sex dolls Tom 175cm


Tpe sex doll High quality surgical and hypoallergenic TPEMouth and anus orifices available The cavities of the anus and mouth are modeled following real human anatomy Ultra-realistic and stimulating penisDurable, articulated skeleton made of lightweight metal alloy Created to last a long time Every detail has been studied and cared for to guarantee maximum pleasure and sensorial realism

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Black man sex dolls Tom

Black man sex dolls Tom. Height: 175 cm, with sturdy metal alloy skeleton and high quality soft Tpe body skin. The penis is selectable in two versions: 15 cm and 25 cm. Her body hair is implanted directly on the skin, except for the wig. Tom is a tough, tough man. He likes to fight and participate in boxing races, he trains continuously to always finish first. A scary physique with pectorals and a sculpted abdomen, too sexy If you like handsome and sporty guys, choose the Tom male sex doll created by IrontechDoll.  This brand offers the possibility to also select the advanced type skeleton, which will make the doll more articulated in movements and will last longer over time.

Who is the Irontech doll?

Irontech Doll is a manufacturer specialized in the construction of realistic sex dolls, especially in high quality of  TPE.

Today it is one of the most famous brands on the market. In fact it has achieved great success in a few years and its dolls are in demand all over the world.

Irontech strives every day to satisfy its customers, through its wide team of experts and continuous research and testing of materials.

Firstly, Irontech focuses on studying real people to make sex dolls more and more realistic in every detail. And secondly, it offers a wide range of options, including the ability to create the faces of the dolls at will.

In conclusion…

Irontech, creates only guaranteed and safe products, compliant with laws and environmental standards, because it subjects all the materials it uses to severe laboratory tests. They have FDA, CE and RoHS certification.

